The Hardest Game of ‘Would You Rather’ for Book Nerds

I just saw Kristin Kraves Books do this and she got the idea from Thrice Reads and I just had to take on the challenge for myself. They found these questions in a Buzzfeed article  and it looked interesting so I thought I’d give it a go.

1. Would you rather have a friend who loses your books, or one who dog-ears them?

I am one of those terrible people that if I can’t find a bookmark/receipt/bus ticket/sweet wrapper/anything flat then I will dog-ear. Just enough so I don’t lose my place, unlike my step-mother who folds the entire page in half…she is going to hell.

2. Would you rather secretly love a book everyone else hates, or secretly hate a book everyone else loves?

I don’t think I would keep my opinion secret either way but if I had to pick I would probably go for secretly loving a book everyone hates.

3. Would you rather be stuck on a very long plane or train ride without a book?

gray plane wing
Photo by Pixabay on

A very long plane journey would probably have in-flight entertainment so I’m going to say plane. I love looking out at the clouds as well whereas on some train rides the view is not so great.

4. Would you rather have dinner with your favorite author or your favorite character?

Favourite character…but don’t ask me to pick one!

5. Would you rather date a character you have a crush on or your crush from real life?

I’m sorry Hermione and Gilbert Blythe but I have got to say my real life crush ><

6. Would you rather have your favorite book turned into a movie, or your favorite movie turned into a book?

Both are risky but if I got to consult on the movie it would be favourite book turned into a movie.

7. Would you rather read a book with an annoying cliffhanger, or one where your favorite character is killed off?

woman sitting on mountain
Photo by Lukas Hartmann on

Cliffhanger, I will not go through another character death heartbreak again!

8. Would you rather lose the ability to read any new books, or the ability to reread books you’ve already read?

I’d rather lose the ability to reread books, I don’t reread very often so this is an easy one.

9. Would you rather live in a library or a bookstore?

blur book stack books bookshelves
Photo by Janko Ferlic on


Living in a library would be a lot cheaper haha

10. Would you rather lose your place or get a paper cut every time you read a book?

I read quite a few books so I choose to lose my place, i’ll find it again 🙂

11. Would you rather have to always read in the dark, or always read books with tiny text?

Read in the dark…i’d just use a few nice scented candle or a back-lit kindle.

12. Would you rather read by a fireplace, or on the beach?

adult beverage breakfast celebration
Photo by Pixabay on


Fireplace, no contest here! I am a big fan of hygge and curled up with a book in front of a fireplace sounds 100% perfect.

Feel free to have a go at these yourself!

The Mystery Blogger Award

Thank you Velvet Spade Reads for my nomination, this has been really fun to do!

Here we go: 🙂



  • Display award logo
  • List the rules
  • Thank the person that nominated you!
  • Mention and link the award creator: Okoto Enigma
  • Tell your readers three things about yourself
  • Answer the questions from the person who nominated you
  • Nominate 10 – 20 people
  • Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice

Three Things About Myself:

  1. I live in a town called Luton in England. It’s a large town only 30 miles outside of London. If you google Luton you will probably come across a lot of negative news articles but I love my town. For each negative, there are so many positives and the majority of people are lovely. It is a hugely multicultural town which some people like to write about as if this is terrible but I truly believe growing up in a school with people from all over the globe has left me an open and accepting person. In fact, I now work for charities in my town that are about bringing people from different cultures together to improve the community.
  2. I suffer from mental health problems. Hey, I’m not ashamed and I am sick of the stigma. I have something called Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (also known as Borderline Personality Disorder) It sounds scary but it’s really not. It means I struggle to regulate my emotions so something that I should be able to brush off without a thought can haunt me for a long time. It also means the emotions I feel can be felt a lot stronger than someone else. Sure, if that emotion is sadness then it sucks but when I am happy it’s the best feeling and if I am in love I love with everything I am. I am getting better with the ‘negative emotions’ but sometimes it hurts and it’s a struggle. Right now I am just trying to fill my life with so many positives that they outweigh the negative.
  3. I met the 8th Doctor and he kissed my hand! I’m a huge Doctor Who fan and when I met Paul McGann he kissed my hand and I honestly thought I was going to pass out.

Five Questions from Velvet Spade Reads

  • What is that one book you own that you would NEVER lend out to anyone for fear that you might never get it back? (Either due to nostalgia or because you love the book too much to let it go)

Before my Grandma passed away she gave me her Good Housekeeping Recipe Book that was a wedding present for her and my Grandad in the 1950s. It’s falling apart on the pages of her favourite recipes and has occasional splashes of cake batter and who knows what else. It might not be the kind of book you expected me to have said but to me this cookbook is the most valuable book I own, it’s a piece of an amazing woman.

  • Would you rather go into the past and meet your ancestors or go into the future and meet your great-great grandchildren?

I would definitely go back and meet my ancestors. I would be gutted if I went into the future only to discover I never had children. I would want to write down every story my ancestors told me so when I came back I could tell everyone the dramatic story of my family, because from based on what I already know my family line is one big rollercoaster.

  • If you could go on a two week vacation tomorrow (& of course money is not an issue) where would you go?

Greece with my Mum. When I was 9/10 I did a school project where you had to plan a holiday somewhere in the world and I picked Greece. My Mum helped me with the project as she had been before and for the past 15 years we have said that one day we will go and visit everywhere I mentioned in my project. One day we will get there 🙂

  • If you were given a lifetime supply of anything in the world, what would you choose?

Books are the obvious answer so I will try and pick something else, hmmmm. If not books then a lifetime supply of theatre tickets please, I’m a sucker for a musical!

  • Good news or bad news first?

Good news first, just so I can have a little bit more happiness before whatever comes next.

My Five Questions:

  1. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, which one would you pick?
  2. You have been made King/Queen of a small country, what would your country be called and what would your first law be?
  3. You are given the option of knowing the exact date and time of your death or staying blissfully unaware, which would you pick?
  4. If you were told you could be an expert in any one thing instantly, what would you pick?
  5. What one stereotype about your country do you want the whole world to know is wrong?

I nominate:

Book Drunk

The Bibliophagist


Erin’s Bookish Faves

The Book Raven

The Unabridged Reader

Bionic Book Worm

No pressure if you don’t fancy doing it 🙂

3 Days, 3 Quotes Book Tag Day 3

It’s the last day of the book tag already! Thanks again to Sara @ The Bibliophagist for tagging me.

The Rules
1. Thank the person who nominated you
2. Post a quote for 3 consecutive days (1 quote for each day)
3. Nominate three new bloggers each day

My last quote comes from Paulo Coelho’s book The Alchemist. I read this book whilst volunteering in Uganda nearly 3 years ago and it’s one of only a few books I’ve read that has stayed with me. The quote I picked makes me smile every time I see it, I hope it makes you smile too.

It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting”


I tag:

  • You, yes you, the person reading this right now!

3 Days, 3 Quotes Book Tag Day 2

Thanks again to Sara @ The Bibliophagist for the tag!

The Rules
1. Thank the person who nominated you
2. Post a quote for 3 consecutive days (1 quote for each day)
3. Nominate three new bloggers each day

Yesterday I finished reading Glass Sword, the 2nd book in the Red Queen series, and came across this quote. Unrequited love is a pain in the arse and this quote says it all!

“We can’t choose who we love. I wish, more than anything, that we could.


I tag:


  • If you’d rather not be tagged, let me know 🙂
  • Let me know if you like doing tags and I’ll remember you next time!

3 Day, 3 Quotes Book Tag

I was tagged by Sara @ The Bibliophagist to do the 3 Days 3 Quotes Challenge. Thank you!

The Rules
1. Thank the person who nominated you
2. Post a quote for 3 consecutive days (1 quote for each day)
3. Nominate three new bloggers each day

The first quote is one of my all-time favourite writers, Ernest Hemingway. I was visiting Paris with my Mum and decided there would be no better time to read his novel ‘A Moveable Feast’. I occasionally write a little bit (I did a degree in Creative Writing) and this quote really helps me when I have the damn block.

Do not worry. You have always written before and you will write now. All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.”


I tag:


  • If you’d rather not be tagged, let me know 🙂
  • Let me know if you like doing tags and I’ll remember you next time!