The Hardest Game of ‘Would You Rather’ for Book Nerds

I just saw Kristin Kraves Books do this and she got the idea from Thrice Reads and I just had to take on the challenge for myself. They found these questions in a Buzzfeed article  and it looked interesting so I thought I’d give it a go.

1. Would you rather have a friend who loses your books, or one who dog-ears them?

I am one of those terrible people that if I can’t find a bookmark/receipt/bus ticket/sweet wrapper/anything flat then I will dog-ear. Just enough so I don’t lose my place, unlike my step-mother who folds the entire page in half…she is going to hell.

2. Would you rather secretly love a book everyone else hates, or secretly hate a book everyone else loves?

I don’t think I would keep my opinion secret either way but if I had to pick I would probably go for secretly loving a book everyone hates.

3. Would you rather be stuck on a very long plane or train ride without a book?

gray plane wing
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A very long plane journey would probably have in-flight entertainment so I’m going to say plane. I love looking out at the clouds as well whereas on some train rides the view is not so great.

4. Would you rather have dinner with your favorite author or your favorite character?

Favourite character…but don’t ask me to pick one!

5. Would you rather date a character you have a crush on or your crush from real life?

I’m sorry Hermione and Gilbert Blythe but I have got to say my real life crush ><

6. Would you rather have your favorite book turned into a movie, or your favorite movie turned into a book?

Both are risky but if I got to consult on the movie it would be favourite book turned into a movie.

7. Would you rather read a book with an annoying cliffhanger, or one where your favorite character is killed off?

woman sitting on mountain
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Cliffhanger, I will not go through another character death heartbreak again!

8. Would you rather lose the ability to read any new books, or the ability to reread books you’ve already read?

I’d rather lose the ability to reread books, I don’t reread very often so this is an easy one.

9. Would you rather live in a library or a bookstore?

blur book stack books bookshelves
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Living in a library would be a lot cheaper haha

10. Would you rather lose your place or get a paper cut every time you read a book?

I read quite a few books so I choose to lose my place, i’ll find it again 🙂

11. Would you rather have to always read in the dark, or always read books with tiny text?

Read in the dark…i’d just use a few nice scented candle or a back-lit kindle.

12. Would you rather read by a fireplace, or on the beach?

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Fireplace, no contest here! I am a big fan of hygge and curled up with a book in front of a fireplace sounds 100% perfect.

Feel free to have a go at these yourself!